The financial condition of the poor and the rich in different cultures
Money, money, money…
This is the cause of all that is material but the reason why man struggles so hard. The value of money is so unstoppable now. It is so important though people always try to claim that it is not that so much important. The fact is so clear that money matters… a lot.

Around the world, money determines the status of a country in the international scene. The rich ones are of course- powerful. Those which are poor are usually the subject of oppression and discrimination. Even within a country, there is a big deal between rich families and the masses. Sad to say, the gap is so big. We could claim that equality exists but there are so many obvious reasons telling us that it does not. How come many stay on the street begging for alms when many just spend to waste their financial resources?
Money is the cause of imbalance. The world has in it a promise of equality but it seems strange. Third world countries have difficult times to finance all their affairs especially education and health aspects are neglected. For other rich countries, people live with comfort and the value of their piece of coin is as much as the value of the third world’s 12 hours.

This uneven distribution of wealth and finances greatly affect all. Some countries could finance big and expensive events for a night. It may include welcoming so many guests and showing off the riches of a place. For the poorest, their government could barely prioritize their basic needs over military equipment. According to statistics, there are an overwhelming number of hungry people most especially children. This is not overwhelming but a kick on our hearts.Countries are creating a community of amity. They share what they have while others seek the help they needed. Why some countries’ finance not suffices their people’s mere existence? This is the saddest question to answer. Why? It is because the answer is still unknown.
On the other hand, poor countries do not seem to find means to escape the pity of big countries. They just live with donations. Low financial capacity is often coupled with blaming the society for all the misfortune. The point we want to stress out is, let us not let personal inadequacies to vanish into thin air. Does a poor country strive for its personal wealth? Let us say not necessarily finances.
There is a lot of wealth around us. They come in beautiful forms but we just think money conquers all.
It is always believed that money is the root of all evils. Yes, it could be but it is not all-true. We need money for our needs. If used well, it is the greatest material asset you could have. But if you let yourself get carried away with the things and the services money could afford without proper use would result to negative outcomes.
Money could be an angel and save you from worries and give you a life of comfort and of convenience.
On the other hand, it could lead to a worse situation.
- Money could be the source of the guts to be into gambling and other forms of vicious activities. This would further result to even worse outcomes.
- With money, materialism is also growing. Too much of it would be very negative in effect.
- People gets too reliant on money and laziness or tardiness are triggered. This of course plunges down the dignity of work.
- Money is the cause of selfishness and greed for most modern-day people. With the wrong perception that money would make one feel happy and secured, people do all means to covet it.
- Relationships are broken due to the disagreement in money matters. Feuds blow up when money is at stake.
- Money in form of prizes, people tend to rely on their luck by joining games of luck and become too impatient of working hard.
- Fraud in the government like corruption rooted from the influence of money.
As we see it, it is not money that is evil. How people see and consider money is what matters most. Through time, money has become
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